0330 333 8429
To book a card payment reading/ healing
To book a reading or healing with one of our team please call the above number and press option 2. For more details (including prices) please see our home page and FAQ’s. T&C’s apply. This service is for over 18’s and for entertainment purposes only. To book a reading with Nadia please use the link below. All prices, availability and T&C’s for her services can be found within the link;
Book a reading with Nadia All prices include VAT, see home page for prices. Terms and conditions apply. Money back guarantee on debit/ credit card telephone readings.

0908 395 4312

Pay via landline or phone bill

Calls cost £1.50 per minute plus your network access charge. Maximum call time is 32 minutes. You must be the bill payer or have the bill payer’s permission. All calls are recorded. Over 18’s and Entertainment purposes only

0330 333 8429
To book a card payment reading/ healing
To book a reading or healing with us please call the above number and press option 2. Same day booking is available and payment is made upon reservation. All bookings are firm bookings and cannot be changed with less than 24 hours notice. All prices include VAT, see home page for prices and FAQ for instructions. Terms and conditions apply. Money back guarantee on debit/ credit card telephone readings and healings.


I have always had a great interest in complementary medicine, Angels and healing for humans and animals. I started studying at West Kent College, Tonbridge, Kent in 2006 and then went on to complete a degree in complementary medicine at Greenwich University.

I am fully qualified in Reflexology, Deep tissue massage, Aromatherapy and Indian Head Massage. I am a Reiki Master and have also completed training in Angelic Reiki, Equine Reiki and Animal Reiki.

My passion is to help people and animals and I am particularly interested in hormone issues, such as the menopause and bereavement. I also do intuitive animal communication and Tarot readings where I work both with the cards and also my guides.

I have a great interest with the Angelic realms and call in certain Archangels to work with me during treatments.

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