0330 333 8429
To book a card payment reading/ healing
To book a reading or healing with one of our team please call the above number and press option 2. For more details (including prices) please see our home page and FAQ’s. T&C’s apply. This service is for over 18’s and for entertainment purposes only. To book a reading with Nadia please use the link below. All prices, availability and T&C’s for her services can be found within the link;
Book a reading with Nadia All prices include VAT, see home page for prices. Terms and conditions apply. Money back guarantee on debit/ credit card telephone readings.

0908 395 4312

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Calls cost £1.50 per minute plus your network access charge. Maximum call time is 32 minutes. You must be the bill payer or have the bill payer’s permission. All calls are recorded. Over 18’s and Entertainment purposes only

0330 333 8429
To book a card payment reading/ healing
To book a reading or healing with us please call the above number and press option 2. Same day booking is available and payment is made upon reservation. All bookings are firm bookings and cannot be changed with less than 24 hours notice. All prices include VAT, see home page for prices and FAQ for instructions. Terms and conditions apply. Money back guarantee on debit/ credit card telephone readings and healings.

Deborah FreeSpirit

Deborah FreeSpirit is an international heart-led wayshower offering soul guidance sessions and healing.  

In 2017 she was fortunate to travel globally for two years working and training with some of the great teachers including Hopi elders in America and Maori teachers in New Zealand.

Deborah FreeSpirit’s soul purpose is to guide, support and heal individuals. Her soul guidance sessions were created after channelling Quan Yin, the Mother of Compassion whilst in Fatima, Portugal. The session is unique and like no other which you may have experienced before. As well as connecting intuitively with her higher consciousness and her team of spiritual guides, Deborah FreeSpirit will:

1) Tell you what is currently happening in your life right now, providing you with a breakdown to help you understand the lessons you are experiencing and what is really stirring you up emotionally.

2) Offer guidance and wisdom to help move you through the challenges and confusion.

3) Shift your energy using different healing modalities including sound so you can immediately start to feel inner peace as she connects you to your Lightbody releasing the stuck energies.

Deborah FreeSpirit is also an Angelic Reiki Master, Shamanic and Advanced EFT Practitioner. She uses many healing techniques, channeling the right frequencies for the right situation.  Over time her healing has evolved and she is grateful to be in service supporting individuals on their journey of healing and transformation.

19 responses

  1. Healing
    19 January 2020, Alvor, Portugal: I was blessed to meet Deborah in beautiful Alvor. Thank you for your care and healing when I needed it. You are blessed with healing hands. I highly recommend Deborah to anyone needing healing and spiritual help.

  2. Soul Guidance with Healing

    22 January 2020, USA via Zoom: Deborah is a gift from the heavens. I met her in Bali during my panchakarma journey. She was incredibly helpful in helping me shift from major depression, trauma, and hopelessness. She had several guardian messages for me and was able to perform reiki and a technique used to clear traumas from my timelines. These sessions I will always hold with me and I am forever grateful. Thank you so much Deborah. I highly recommend your work!

  3. 24 January 2020, Australia via Zoom: Someone who walks their talk is very important to me when looking for someone to hold space as I process and open my heart, and Deborah FreeSpirit is absolutely this person. Her integrity, patience, warmth and pure intention to support and empower is comforting and real. Her connection and intuition is the most precise and relevant I’ve ever experienced and she has changed my life incredibly. Deborah continues to support me and I’m beyond grateful and inspired by her work and dedication. Huna Kaniaho. Sheenalaray Nicol, Kiwi Goddess, Desert Dweller

  4. 25 January 2020, London: I had a session with Debs to tackle my ongoing anxiety and stress issues. She helped me through by giving me meditation techniques to do and looked at certain things from a different perspective which was very helpful would recommend 100%.

  5. 26 January 2020, London: I met Deborah in Bali, at an Ayurveda retreat, and I remember instantly feeling the amazing energy from her – I’ve always wanted to be around her as I felt the positive influence of her energy on me. Subsequently, I was fortunate to have managed to catch Deborah during her stay in London and went for a healing session. Whilst I didn’t have any major traumas or illnesses I was recovering from, I was on a journey to be more connected to my inner self, to be more present and conscious. Deborah’s reading of me was shockingly correct. A lot of what Deborah said really resonated with me (about my journey thus far and what was yet to come), it was like putting something that I was sensing inside but couldn’t grasp, into words. I don’t do these kinds of sessions often, and I was worried that I would have been pointed to see major issues that I had been blind not to see before and which require major re-evaluation and healing sessions. None of that was part of Deborah’s approach. She did not try to insist I needed further sessions, and she gave me the reassurance and pointers to find the clarity and groundedness that I needed. It was like pointing to my own resources inside, instead of imposing off the shelf solutions. Deborah performed a ritual in the end of the session, which put me into a peaceful, relaxed stated and I slept so well afterwards. Since the session, I’ve had some really positive changes (new job that I love!) and have been feeling consistently happy and grounded. I wake up every day feeling thankful. While it is difficult to say that Deborah’s session alone caused it, but it undoubtedly helped me to move closer to the state of consciousness to attract positive changes and positive energy in my life!

  6. 2 February 2020, London: I was lucky enough to have a reading done by Deborah a couple months ago when I felt I was in need of some answers to help to relieve some emotional burden I was feeling within myself. I was pleasantly surprised by how enlightened and reassured I was, not only did I feel comfortable to open up and speak freely the answers I received back gave me a better understanding of where my life was going to take me next and what I need to change in order to get to where I needed to be. I found this in particular very helpful as it highlighted an outstanding issue I’m yet to resolve and I was given ways of healing and cleansing from past situations to ensure I would not bring the same energy into my future. Deborah calm and gentle nature radiates throughout making every session a safe place to connect on a deeper spiritual level.

  7. 22 June 2020, Portugal: Deborah is an Amazing Healer & has a Wonderful connection to her guides, her intuitive nature is calming & she gets results fast.

  8. September 2020 to January 2021, London via Zoom: Divine timing as they say. Deborah popped up on my feed whilst I was in a very bad state with a broken heart. She immediately stepped in and held my hand (literally) day and night. I had healing sessions with her, that just turned me fragile state to one of hope. I was slowly starting to heal. Now? I am healed from the inside and not just cello taped fit a quick fix. Totally indebted to Deborah and her healing that she took me through 🙏.

  9. October 22, 2020, Paris, France via Zoom: I had a Soul Guidance and Healing session with Deborah …it was such an informative and liberating experience. I did not know what to expect, but I was open to this new experience as I was in period where I felt I need some answers. Deborah was able to tap into my questions, without me really having to ask her …she has a real gift of interpretation of the messages she received through the cards, and she was able to guide me to what I had to do. The day after my reading, I felt a real shift in my being, my fears seemed to have disappeared and I gained a sense of inner peace and confidence. I highly recommend you reach out to Deborah for her services, I know that she could help you find the answers to what you might need to know within yourself.

  10. 12 January 2021, Italy via Zoom: I have known Deborah for a long time and I was very interested in reading about her healing adventures and deep transformation she went through throughout the years. When she was gifting a session of her powerful Soul Guidance work for Christmas and she choose me, I was very happy and was looking forward to our session to understand more about the healing work she is doing. Her Soul Guidance sessions are a combination of a deep reading and some light but powerful healing. The reading she did for me was spot on and the healing I received through the Angel Cards was magical and very much needed. Gentle yet strong, light yet deep, spot on and very insightful – this is how I would describe it. Deborah is holding the space for the healing powerfully and strongly. I can highly recommend her sessions to everyone.

  11. 16 January 2021, Edinburgh, Scotland via Zoom: I was fortunate to receive a Soul Guidance and Healing session with Deborah via Zoom a few days ago. I was not really sure what to expect but wow the soul guidance resonated on so many levels. Deborah has a calm and intuitive way of working, discussing sometimes sensitive and personal issues with you and I felt safe to openly discuss these with her. The healing work felt deep and powerful and I connected to the Goddess Marangi whose wisdom has touched me. Deborah is a wonderful and intuitive soul and I highly recommend her work to everyone.

  12. Soul Awakening Programme

    August to December 2020, USA via WhatsApp: I’m extremely grateful for the guidance and support I received from Deborah during the 12 weeks of Soul Awakening sessions; especially during such challenging times when one’s anxiety or sense of self changes. Deborah never rushed through any of her sessions. The attention given to you as her Free-spirits (clients) allows you to navigate thoroughly through any of feelings associated with emotions/trauma/stress from the past and even in your day to day life. The tools I have learned in these one-on-one sessions have helped me resolve issues which have suddenly appeared in everyday life. It also helped me provide the support to guiding my child with her own personal trials. I am so thankful for this experience and I know that I can continue on with Deborah in various ways to grow spiritually.

  13. Saraswati Healing™, Ascended Masters 333 workshop, October 2020, Alvor, Portugal:

    I was part of Deborah’s Crystal Masters 333 Workshop Soul Connection on Saturday. It was a very powerful workshop where I was able to release some deep emotions from the past. It brought up a lot of issues that I had hidden and the work we did during the day really helped me to heal the wounds. The Ascended Master that we chose was Quan Yin and we could feel her loving presence all around us. Deborah shared some vital tools we need in everyday life especially this year! Deborah is a fantastic teacher, she explains everything in detail. She is so loving and kind and I am excited to do the Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 training with her soon.

  14. Saraswati Healing™, Ascended Masters 333 workshop, October 2020, Alvor, Portugal:

    Deborah while my Heart is so Full. A mere thank you doesn’t say what I feel in my Heart. The time was so precious like the most wonderful Gift. The workshop so enlightening and sacred too, given by the most Amazing Host, from my Heart I thank you Deborah.

  15. Angelic Reiki 1&2 workshop, Alvor, Portugal:
    Deborah provided 3 days of beautiful ceremonial and divine energy. The perfect place to receive the gifts of the angels. Deborah is the perfect channel for this energy. I am taking away the Angelic loving and healing energy forever. 23-25 October 2020.

  16. Angelic Reiki 1&2 workshop, Alvor, Portugal:

    Deborah was very knowledgeable and lovely to be with. Absolutely loved connecting with the angels. What a reassurance to know they are with me. Thank you. 23-25 October 2020.

  17. Angelic Reiki 1&2 workshop, Alvor, Portugal:

    This workshop was very powerful. Deborah was an amazing teacher. She explained everything in detail. I feel like I have the knowledge to begin my journey with the angels to help heal. 27-29 October 2020.

  18. Angelic Reiki 1&2 workshop, Alvor, Portugal:

    Excellent workshop, so many lessons, so powerful. I am so happy to have had this sacred experience with this very special and gifted lady. 27-29 October 2020.

  19. Angelic Reiki 1&2 workshop, Alvor, Portugal:

    Deborah really knows her material and enthuses positivity which is encouraging for us beginners. 10-12 November 2020.

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