When the ‘make an effort’ card appears in a reading, it says that currently you have been feeling a bit lost and uncertain regarding your love life and are unsure as to which path to take. Your Angels what you to know that whenever you need help or guidance, don’t be afraid to ask them. Often this guidance will come in the form of a “knowing” or feeling that you can’t shake off. Such as feeling compelled to carry out a particular action without knowing or understanding why. It can even come in the form of your inner voice or intuition, telling you to take a certain action or follow a certain path. Your Angel’s want you to know that that is them guiding you via your intuition or higher self.
The Views of the Ego bring the message that there is a need to currently take a step back and observe those around you in your circle. As much as you are somebody who is incredibly giving and caring of others, you must have boundaries in place. The message being given to you here is that there is someone in your circle who is rather self-centred, self-absorbed and drains your energy as well as your time. This person has little or no regard for others or their time and will often leave you feeling drained, exhausted and as if your needs aren’t that important. Don’t be afraid to put yourself first and disconnect from those that bring nothing positive to your life and drain you. As hard as it is at times, you have to put yourself first and establish some healthy boundaries. As the saying goes, those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” Unfortunately this individual isn’t going to change so it would be best to cut yourself free of them and move on.
The 2 of cups reversed is saying that you need to reconnect with yourself and focus on your needs and desires. When we learn to fall in love with ourselves and believe that we deserve happiness and healthy love, we attract the most amazing life and life partner to ourselves. Any relationship has to start with self-love, self-acceptance, self-worth and self-respect. If we don’t we can end up attracting the very opposite of what we originally wanted and can be left feeling confused, deflated and heartbroken. The moment we realise the power to change this is within ourselves is when the magic really happens! The 2 of cups revered can also indicate not seeing eye-to-eye with our partners and a lack of communication and transparency. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings and speak your truth, it is only when we are honest with one another that we clear any misunderstandings and start to move forward more harmoniously.
The perfect gentleman speaks of stability, happiness and a strong, healthy relationship built on solid foundations. This is someone that, although at times they can be a little stubborn, they have a heart of gold and are very “old school.” They won’t go to bed on an argument and believes that anything is possible if there is love. This person won’t abandon you or walk away when you need them the most, they are grounded, loving, nurturing and supportive. If you are currently single; this person will be making an appearance in your life between end of April, beginning of May that will develop into a life partner and marriage. If you are in a relationship already; although your partner can drive you mad at times, they do have their heart in the right place. Don’t be afraid to open up to them and have a heart to heart about what is bugging you. You’d be very pleasantly surprised at how well this conversation turns out.
Your Angels want you to know that this is the perfect opportunity to put into motion any plan that you have. Whether this be working on yourself, learning to appreciate yourself more or spending more quality time with your partner, this is the best time to put your plan into action.
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